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Monday, November 13, 2006

One weekend a month!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I didn't like any of the pages I drew this weekend so I painted these two so it wouldn't be a wasted weekend. I also watched 11 episodes of The Wire, and it is awesome! Plus I got alot of work done in the apartment.

Those drips look too much like bullet wounds, I'll get rid of them!


Justin Fox said...

I thought it was ironic acne.

The Wire:

I had to watch the second season twice to fully appreciate it, but some people liked it best.

I'm not sure if the show actually gets better one season to the next, but it builds and builds and builds. Compounded goodness.

Eventually, you have SO MUCH backed up goodness that it just explodes exponential goodness.

Kenneth Belasco said...

It is ironic acne/leaky diodes (ala the first movie) but I think it could be handled better.

The Wire:
I love the intensity and the intended kitsch of some dialoge/situations plus like all great drama you might love/hate a character and his/her motives but you care what happens to them and are intrested in what motivates them.

Justin Fox said...

I was all liking someone, then absoltely hating them and then loving them. It's like dating in reverse!