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Monday, October 23, 2006

Science 10_23_06

Biodegradable nanospheres offer novel approach for treatment of toxin exposure and drug delivery from

A new technology to clean the blood of victims of radiological, chemical and biological terrorist attacks is being developed jointly by Argonne National Laboratory, the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute and The University of Chicago Hospitals.

Modification Turns Ultra-Short Nanotubes into Molecule-Like Drug Capsules from

While most research aimed at developing carbon nanotubes as tumor-targeting drug and imaging agent delivery vehicles has focused on full-length nanotubes, Lon Wilson, Ph.D., and his colleagues at Rice University have been working with ultra-short nanotubes that cells appear to take up more efficiently than their longer counterparts.

Scientists discover exotic relatives of protons and neutrons from

Scientists of the CDF collaboration at the Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced today (October 23, 2006) the discovery of two rare types of particles, exotic relatives of the much more common proton and neutron.

Matter and antimatter feel the chemistry from

“Antiprotonic hydrogen has already been produced,” explains Nicola Zurlo, an investigator in the Chemistry and Physics Department, headed by professor Evandro Lodi-Rizzini, at the University of Brescia in Brescia, Italy. “But what we’ve done is produce it in a totally different way. The process and mechanism is completely different.”


Anonymous said...

they told me there were nanobots in my hot chocolate. they were wrong.

Kenneth Belasco said...

Mini-marshmellos or Nano-marshmellos?