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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Science news July 25 2006

China to test its 'artificial sun' from

The first plasma discharge from China's experimental advanced superconducting research center -- the so-called "artificial sun" -- is set to occur next month.


Superheating Nanoparticles from

“For quite a long time people have been measuring the melting points of small particles,” Shaun Hendy tells “They’ve found that the melting point decreases and this decrease is in inverse proportion to the radius of the particle.” He pauses before continuing. “We have found in this case it doesn’t happen. It’s counterintuitive.”


Nano probe may open new window into cell behavior from

To create drugs capable of targeting some of the most devastating human diseases, scientists must first decode exactly how a cell or a group of cells communicates with other cells and reacts to a broad spectrum of complex biomolecules surrounding it.


Novel Nano-etched Cavity Makes LEDs 7 Times Brighter from Science Daily

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have made semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LEDs) more than seven times brighter by etching nanoscale grooves in a surrounding cavity to guide scattered light in one direction.


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