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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Crazy Cosmos

Earth is safe from gamma-ray bursts, Hubble finds from

A gamma-ray burst (GRB) occurring in our own galaxy could decimate life on Earth, destroying the ozone layer, triggering climate change and drastically altering life’s evolution. However, the good news is that results published online today in the journal Nature show that the likelihood of a natural disaster due to a GRB is much lower than previously thought.

O.K. so no...

But are we safe from...

Beta Ray Bill!


Marcos Perez said...

Beta Ray Bill was good!

Justin Fox said...

All the more reason to fear him!

Kenneth Belasco said...

But he's an alien Marcos, an alien amoung us!

Allen Humoungous!

Justin Fox said...

Rinding a gamma wave too close to our solar system for my tastes. Even my Hugh Mungous tastes.

Marcos Perez said...

Beta Ray Bill is cool.