Justice League Nuclear
Since there has been a recent wave of historical revision by the media of how glorious a time the 1980's were I bring you...
A Justice Leauge for the 80's
FireHawk- The daughter of Senator Walter Reilly, Lorraine Reilly was kidnapped and transformed by Multiplex in an attempt to kill Firestorm. Multiplex's experiments gave her the ability to generate intense heat and tremendous energy blasts. As Firehawk, she also had wings of "atomic fire" enabling flight. (stolen from wiki!)
Captain Atom - The Charlton Comics version of Captain Atom, created by writer Joe Gill and artist Steve Ditko in 1960, focused upon the adventures of Captain Allen Adam. The character's origin posited Adam working in a special experimental rocket when it accidentally launched with him trapped inside. Entering the upper atmosphere, the rocket exploded and Adam was atomized. However, he somehow gained superpowers that included the ability to reform his body safely on the ground. Learning of his other powers, such as flight and the ability to fire powerful blasts, Adam decided to fight the forces of evil as Captain Atom.
Firestorm - What distinguished Firestorm most of his career was his integrated dual identity. The hero was actually two men, high school student Ronnie Raymond and Nobel Prize winning physicist Martin Stein. Caught in a nuclear accident, the two were fused together, with Raymond (awake at the time of the accident) in command of the Firestorm form and with Stein as a voice of advice inside Firestorm's mind. As befits a "nuclear man," Firestorm possessed great powers, including flight, strength, the ability to adjust his molecular density, and the ability to alter matter itself. He also stood out visually, with flaming hair and a distinctive red and yellow costume.
Atomic Skull - Joe Martin was struck by an intense blast of energy that gave him superhuman strength and premature baldness. Later attacked by some thugs, the resulting head damage caused insanity and he took on the guise of "The Atomic Skull" who was a hero from an old movie serial. He also emitted dangerous amounts of radiation, which he later gained the ability to project as energy blasts. He has plagued Superman, whom he believed to be the serial's villain, and Lois Lane, whom he saw as the Skull's love interest.
Cured of his delusions, he at first intended to follow the character's example for real as a superhero, but has since appeared as a more conventional villain.
Not picture Ronald Wilson Reagan - (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States (1981–1989) and the 33rd Governor of California (1967–1975). Before entering politics, Reagan was also a sports broadcaster, newspaper columnist, motion picture actor, head of the Screen Actors Guild, television actor, and a motivational speaker. His speeches were so expertly delivered and persuasive that the media dubbed him the "Great Communicator".
Hey, did you know that Firestorm and Firehawk are now combining to make Firestorm? What about the Atom? Or Atom Smasher/Nuklon?
Nuklon's the way to go. Created in the eighties and sporting a red mohawk. Ah, Nuklon..
Was firestorm ever in JLU? I can't remember.
Firestorm is a member in Morrison's One Million.
The Atom/Atom Smasher wasn't nuclear enough.
Nuklon, how could I forget Nuklon!
Fifrestorm has been a JLA member, I was just wondering if he was in JLU the tv show.
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